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Welcome to the official website for the Te Puke Community Garden also known as Herbit Vegit Gardens. Launched in October 2014 the garden was set up in 3 stages for completion, the gardens are in the 3rd stage and regular working bees are booked for the last Saturday of each month. We are always searching for volunteers, donors and sponsor but especially local families or individuals who would like to grow their own produce and learn new skills. Please contact us for further information.



Community gardens provide fresh      produce and plants as well as satisfying labour, neighbourhood improvement, sense of community and connection to the environment. They are publicly functioning in terms of ownership, access, and management, as well as typically owned in trust by local governments or not for profit associations.

Community gardens vary widely throughout the world. Community Gardens worldwide are  areas where people grow small plots of vegetables, to large "greening" projects to preserve natural areas, to tiny street        beautification planters on urban street corners. Some grow only flowers, others are nurtured communally and their bounty shared. There are even non-profits in many major cities that offer assistance to low-income families, children groups, and community organizations by helping them develop and grow their own gardens.



Herbit Vegit History


With the help of Volunteers and support from the Baptist Church, a Community Garden was created in Rangiuru Road, Te Puke, but it was deemed to be too far out of town.

The group approached the council and have obtained an area next to the New World Supermarket part of the Jubilee Park area.


The main objectives are:

Features: To provide a gathering place for local community keen on gardening, teaching and producing.


Benefits: Will include caring for the environment. Sharing cultural, traditional and historical techniques. We envisage the Health and Social benefit will be a bonus aspect. Providing for the Te Puke region.


Actions: To grow, distribute and share fresh produce to the community.

Herbit Vegit History Cntd...


Involvement: To work together within our rules welcoming relationships with council, businesses, organisations, iwi, and community making it possible for everyone to be involved.

We believe in this project to create positive interactions with the Te Puke community and unite together for a brighter and sustainable future.

There are lots of ideas that have been talked about...

Producers Market, Kids Parties, Fairy Garden, Providing food for the Free Christmas Dinner, Sensory Garden, Fruit Trees, Large Crops, Food Cooking demos.                    

The possibilities are endless!

Te Puke Community Garden. Proudly created with

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